Hi! My name is Colton Graffam

After gaining three years of valuable experience in the Military and exploring both the real estate and financial industries, I have come to the realization that my true career path lies in Software Development. As I embark on this exciting new chapter in my professional journey, I am eagerly looking forward to utilizing my acquired skills, knowledge, and strong work ethic to make a meaningful impact as a valuable asset to my future team.

I am confident that my combination of technical expertise and personal attributes make me an ideal fit for any technological position from frontend development to VMware. My foundation is in Python with extensive knowledge of CSS, HTML, SQLite, and VMware. I also have some knowledge of various other languages, but not to the same extent. Regardless, I learn avidly and am well-equipped to contribute to the development of innovative software solutions. I have also completed various projects (as shown on the projects page) that have sharpened my problem-solving abilities, honed my attention to detail, and cemented my foundational knowledge. I truly enjoy programming and am eager to continue my professional development and expand my knowledge and foundations. Thank you for taking the time to learn more about me. I look forward to connecting and exploring potential opportunities to collaborate.


  • Albino tigers
  • Anime
  • Coding
  • Sushi
  • Cheesecake


  • Gravy
  • Ignorance
  • People who yell in the gym
  • JavaScript

Fun Fact

    I c o d e d t h i s
    w e b s i t e
    m y s e l f : )


  • Gym
  • Chess
  • Travel (34 countries down)
  • Learning new code

Fav Anime


  • Dragon Ball
  • Naruto
  • Charlotte
  • Hunter X Hunter
  • Baki

Life Goals

  • Become coding god
  • David Laid physique
  • IQ 2 billion
  • Center a div
  • Money. Lots.

I'm Learning

  • Flutter (app dev lang)
  • Vienna opening variation
  • C++ and Ruby on Rails
  • How to cook my rice perfectly (it's an art)


  • Bench - 315
  • Squat - 475
  • 1-Mile - 5:37

  • (you basically have to hire me now)